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V12, Merlin Park
Ringtail Road
L40 8JY
United Kingdom
01704 320560
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Limited company accounts filing
VAT registration & filing
Self assessment
Corporation tax
Tax planning
Business planning services
Secretarial services
Company formation
Virtual finance director (FD)
Management accounts
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Holden Associates are a family run firm of Award Winning professionally Qualified Accountants, business and tax advisers who offer an unparalleled level of personal attention to all their clients, we do this by carefully selecting clients that we know we can best support and advise.

We act for clients throughout the UK something made easy with today's cloud technology. So no matter where you are if you are looking for more from your accountants ... come join our family.
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Qualifications & Memberships
Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)
The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW)
Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA)
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